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Jesús, Illes Balears, Spain
Som un centre públic d'educació infantil i primària ubicat a l'illa d'Eivissa. Som un escola petita d'una línia, amb uns 210 alumnes i 15 docents, on la llengua vehicular és el català i la metodologia basada en un aprenentatge significatiu. Ens estem adaptant a les Noves Tecnologies i des del curs 08/09 formem part del Projecte Xarxipèlag 2.0.

divendres, 19 d’octubre del 2012

Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?

Information from;

Language FocusOther songs about: Halloween

"Trick or treat?" "Who are you?" "I'm a ________." Halloween costumes (ghost, cowboy, witch, monster, ballerina, pirate).

Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat? Lyrics and Actions

Key Gestures
Trick-or-treat - Place one hand out palm up and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering two choices.
Ghost - Place your hands in front of you like a floating ghost.
Cowboy - Pretend to spin a rope over your head.
Witch - Make a witch's hat over your head by forming a pyramid with your hands.
Monster - Raise your hands like claws above your head.
Ballerina - Bend at the knees like a ballerina.
Pirate - Cover one eye with your hand to make an eye patch.
Halloween - Cover your face with both hands and then open them, as if playing peek-a-boo.
♫ Knock knock, [Pretend to knock on a door.]
trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]
Who are you? [Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.] 
I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. [Point to yourself. Ghost gesture.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.
[Float around the room making ghost noises.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy. [Point to yourself. Cowboy gesture.] 
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.
[Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a witch. I'm a little witch. [Point to yourself. Witch gesture.] 
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.
[Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a monster. I'm a little monster. [Point to yourself. Monster gesture.] 
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.
[Stomp around the room with your arms in front of you like Frankenstein's monster!]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina. [Point to yourself. Ballerina gesture.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.
[Stand on your tippy toes and spin in circles.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate. [Point to yourself. Pirate gesture.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.
[Make pirate voices - Aaaaarrrrghhh! - and pretend to have sword fights.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. [Halloween gesture.]
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. ♫

Activity Ideas

Try a fun role-play with this songs. One person is the trick-or-treater, and the other person sings, "Who are you?" Make up some fun actions or mini-dialogs for the music between the verses.1
Make Believe Trick-or-Treat
Stand behind any door and encourage the child to knock. When you open the door, he says, "Trick or treat?" and you ask, "Who are you?" He acts like one of the characters from the song and says, "I'm a ghost/monster/pirate." Pretend to give him candy. Change places and let him be the one opening the door as you say, "Trick or treat?"2
Gather The Group
You will need several sets of the six character cards featured in "Knock Knock, Trick or Treat?" (You can make some simple drawings and photocopy them, or print copies of the small size flash cards from the Super Simple Songs - Halloween enhanced CD).

Give each student a small card with a picture of one of the six characters. The students don't show their cards to anyone. The goal is for students to find everyone in their group (students who have the same card). When the teacher says, "Go!" the students must walk around the room acting like the characters on their cards. (Ballerinas dance, ghosts float, cowboys ride, etc.) The students find their groups and stand together. Then, have the groups stand in the order the characters appear in the song (ghost, cowboy, witch, monster, ballerina, pirate). Sing "Knock Knock, Trick or Treat?" with each group taking turns to sing its part.